Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Hydrogen can make phones last as long as a week without charging???

A Hydrogen-Powered iPhone Could Go a Week Without Charging
British company Intelligent Energy says it can fit such a cell into the iPhone 6.Phones are faster and thinner and more powerful than ever, but they still suffer from one horribly annoying problem: They can only go for a day—if that—on a single charge. Maybe not for long, if Intelligent Energy has its way. The company claims that its tiny hydrogen fuel-cell can run an iPhone for a week, easy. ​

News of the almost unbelievable device comes by way of The Telegraph, which reports that it saw the device at Intelligent Energy's headquarters. According to The Telegraph, the prototype device can fit inside an iPhone 6 with no cosmetic modifications other than rear vents, which let small amounts of water vapor exhaust escape. Unfortunately there do not appear to be photos.The prototype device isn't just a fuel cell, but apparently a fuel cell and a traditional rechargeable battery in one package. Presumably the cell charges the battery, which in turn charges the device, a system that could allow a modified phone to be charged conventionally if need be and wouldn't require a drastic re-engineering of the rest of the phone's power system. The otherwise unnoticeable fuel cell is apparently refilled by way of a modified headphone jacks. Hydrogen fuel cells are just one of many possible solutions to the problem of short smartphone batteries, and a particularly far-out one at that. Other (perhaps more practical) methods of increasing battery life include shrinking down a phone's non-battery components to fit more conventional battery inside, making phones more energy efficient on the software side, or even switching to smaller batteries that can charge from empty to full in seconds. But while battery advances seem to be perpetually about five years away, Intelligent Energy tells The Telegraph that it's just working on nailing down the pricing for a commercial model in the form of a disposable cartridge model that would hold a week's worth of charge and retail for roughly "the price of a latte."  Intelligent Energy also says its working with a partner on bringing the tech to market, a partner that The Telegraph suggests might be Apple but is almost certainly not Apple.

Still, the existence of a fuel-powered, thin form-factor phone is seriously impressive, even if the challenges of scaling that tech and getting into your hands is a challenge at least as hard as building it in the first place. But the more horses we have in the race to a better, revolutionary, longer-running battery, the quicker someone will actually get there. Hopefully.

Source: The Telegraph

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